Ich studiere aktuell an der Universität Augsburg mit den Schwerpunkten Anglistik/Literaturwissenschaft und habe bereits einen Kurzroman auf Englisch geschrieben, den es nur in digitaler Form gibt.
Oleander ist ein englischsprachiger Kurzroman.
Beschreibung des Romans:
"What do we do to solve the problem? Do we kill the problem itself or ourselves? Are we angels or devils? Are we impulsive or insane? Is there more truth or lie, love or hate in the world?" Oleander thought as she watched Marula cross the front yard of her house.
This psychological short story opens up with the young girl, Oleander. Her rainbow is not always colorful, but whose is? Fears, struggles, worries, and mistakes hunt her. Drive her to the edge. But don’t drop the ball, thinking it’s a story about the sorrowful, miserable girl. You are wrong, very wrong! Light replaces darkness; birth–death. The deeper the reader dives into Oleander’s story, the more incomprehensible reality becomes. Try not to lose the thread!